Competing retailer groups, Coop, Dansk Supermarked and SuperGros, together covering 97 per cent of the Danish market have united to achieve a common objective, to promote MSC certified sustainable seafood.
Building momentum in the seafood industry
SuperGros, COOP and Dansk Supermarked, Denmark’s largest retailer groups, have entered into partnership with the Danish Fishermen’s Producer Organization (DFPO) and the MSC [1]. The aims are to drive preference of MSC labelled seafood, increase the amount of MSC labelled seafood under own retailer brands as well as to encourage key fisheries to engage in the MSC programme.
”We welcome this partnership, and we are pleased that we have been able to work together as wide as in this case. In Dansk Supermarked we are confident that many people will be happy for this alternative. That is why we would like to offer a sustainable alternative to our customers”, Sören Bo Christensen, Dansk Supermarked.
Joining forces to boost the MSC ecolabel in-store
The retailers are also committed to help build consumer awareness of the MSC program through an in-store nationwide marketing campaign.
”We can see the business model of this joint cooperation in MSC labelled fish, and even better; it’s good for the environment! That’s primarily why we support the partnership. We are happily looking forward for the campaign to kick off”, Lars Frost, SuperGros.
A fast growing market
Denmark is the world’s fifth largest seafood exporter and one of the fastest growing MSC markets in terms of products. Several Danish fisheries were certified against the MSC environmental standard for sustainable fisheries during 2011 with key species such as cod, plaice and saithe. The number of MSC labelled products on the Danish market has surpassed 500, an increased by 75 per cent in 2011.
The Danish fishery sector has been one of the strongest supporters of the MSC programme to date. Denmark currently has 16 fisheries engaged in the programme and more than 100 Chain of custody certified companies supplying key MSC markets.
“The Danish Fishermen’s Producer Organisation is committed to bringing all its fisheries into the MSC programme and by now two-thirds of the Danish human consumption landings are certified ….. As the world’s fifth largest exporter of fish and seafood, the Danish fishing industry can drive sustainable fisheries in Europe and at the same time contribute to the local economy, employment and environment”, says Kurt Madsen, Chairman of the Danish Fishermen’s Producer Organisation.
A first for Denmark and the MSC
Nicolas Guichoux, Regional Director Europe, MSC says; “Retailers are uniquely positioned as seafood buyers: they can influence fishing practices and they also have a direct relationship with consumers. I am extremely pleased to see that Coop, Dansk Supermarked and SuperGros are using their relationship with consumers to communicate in-store and help support the MSC's mission. The scale of this campaign is unprecedented as it covers almost the entire food retail sector in Denmark, a world first.”
”In COOP we believe in this. We are confident that there will be a market for MSC labelled products. With this partnership we intend to offer a sustainable choice that over the next couple of years will grow in size and in the number of different products”, Mogens Werge, COOP Denmark.
Source MSC