Green shipping: An ocean of tangible solutions at SMM 2024

2024 09 09

SM24 AW 040924 0016 (558)
© Hamburg Messe und Congress / Alexander Woeckener

For four days, the shipbuilding universe met in Hamburg for the 31st SMM. The mood was
excellent at the leading international maritime trade fair as well-established enterprises and
start-ups alike laid out before the maritime business world the technological innovations
and solutions it needs to build a green and digital shipping future. Five specialist
conferences and a wide range of networking opportunities brought together high-level
decision-makers from politics and business to enjoy a fireworks of presentations,
discussion sessions and expert panels. Again, the key issues ensuring a successful
transformation of the industry – decarbonisation, digitalisation, recruiting and maritime
security and defence – were high on the agenda of SMM.

Hamburg, 06-09-2024 – SMM 2024 once more delivered on its promise of being the highlight event
of the international maritime sector. From 3 to 6 September 2024, more than 2,200 exhibiting
companies turned Hamburg’s exhibition halls into the busy meeting hub of the global maritime
community. “SMM is more than a trade fair – it is the heartbeat of this industry,” said Heiko M.
Stutzinger, CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress (HMC). “The palpable enthusiasm among
participants, the multitude of ideas and solutions, and the level of engagement shown by everybody
have demonstrated how indispensable this platform is for the cooperation as well as the innovative
impetus of the maritime world.” Counting over 48,000 participants from more than 100 countries,
SMM 2024 reaffirmed its position as the leading international maritime trade fair.

Shipowners, shipyards, suppliers: Aiming for carbon neutrality together
One theme was clearly dominant in the fully booked exhibition halls and the numerous expert
discussion panels: decarbonising the shipping industry. From large ship engines for alternative fuels
or smart software increasing the efficiency of on-board operations through to innovative retrofitting
options, SMM covers the entire value chain of the maritime sector, delivering major added value to
suppliers and shipbuilders alike. But that is by no means all: “What also makes it so interesting for
shipowners: This is where they can see the latest trends and technologies and can engage in
conversations with industry representatives to explore ways to make their fleets more efficient and
greener,” says Martin Kröger, Managing Director of the German Shipowners Association (VDR).
This constellation paves the way for the industry to take courageous investment decisions. Doing
so requires a system that rewards these investments, SMM participants from the politics and
business worlds agreed.

Open conference format in the exhibition halls widely applauded
Held in the exhibition halls and open to all fair trade participants for the first time, the conferences
proved to be extremely popular. On the open stages more than 300 speakers provided practical
insights and discussed the industry’s most pressing issues in a total of 70 sessions. Initiator Claus
Ulrich Selbach is more than pleased about the success of this new concept: “We achieved exactly
what we had in mind: to maximise the exchange of ideas and knowledge,” says the Business Unit
Director Maritime & Technology Exhibitions at HMC. In view of the numerous geopolitical
challenges of our time, maritime security ranged high on the agenda. Not surprisingly, MS&D, the
international conference for maritime security and defence featuring 29 naval delegations from 19
nations, was exceptionally well attended. On other stages, the focus was on two other focal topics
of SMM: decarbonisation and digitalisation.

Maritime Career Market and Start-ups@SMM: Young talents secure the industry’s future
Providing opportunities for employers to meet tomorrow’s skilled professionals was another focus
at SMM 2024 – after all, the future of the sector heavily depends on the availability of skilled labour.
At its two-day Maritime Career Market, the flagship fair again provided a hugely popular platform
for young talents, recruiters and education institutes to join hands. Companies provided fascinating
insights into a variety of maritime careers while experts presented crucial career tips.

Another part of the fair fostering inspiring discoveries was Start-ups@SMM where young
companies showcased their innovative ideas in two specially designated areas. One topic of special
allure: Artificial Intelligence. The AI CENTER provided a host of information on the state of the art.
“The AI Center offers start-ups a fantastic opportunity to build a reputation within the industry. We
were incredibly busy here and were able to make many valuable new business contacts,” says
Madelena Ko from Tecway Maritime Technology Limited, summing up her experience.

Excellent mood and lively discussions late into the evenings
The new digital SMM Networking Platform created a perfect environment for striking up
conversations and establishing valuable new business contacts, not only virtually but also at many
meeting points at the fair and during the well-attended Wine o'clock parties at the end of the fair
days. Industry representatives were able to share ideas and establish new partnerships in a
stimulating atmosphere. All this makes SMM the pivotal platform of the maritime community, a place
where face-to-face interaction and direct information-sharing are front and centre.

The next SMM will take place in Hamburg from 1 to 4 September 2026.

The numbers mentioned are preliminary estimates based on statistics from the last day of the event,
12 o’clock noon.

SM24 RZ 050924 3922 (558)
© Hamburg Messe und Congress / Rolf Otzipka

SM24 RZ 050924 2934 (558)
© Hamburg Messe und Congress / René Zieger

SM24 RO 03092024 00523 (558)
© Hamburg Messe und Congress / Rolf Otzipka

SM24 RO 05092024 01031 (558)
© Hamburg Messe und Congress / René Zieger

Source, Hamburg Messe und Congress


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International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been published since 1999
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The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been
published since 1999.

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